Saturday 21 February 2015

Climbers and Creepers Scientific Names

Scientific names of garden plants covering allies, bamboos, climbers, creepers, cycads, ferns,  ground covers, palms, shrubs, trees, turf and waterscape plants in Malaysia and Singapore 


by Markus J M Lazim 

Climbers and Creepers

  Climbers and Creepers
  Garden climbers and creepers commonly used in garden and landscape projects and activities in Malaysia and Singapore.

Welcome to www.ClimbersAndCreepers.Blogspot.Com. Climbers and Creepers is our Part 1 Blog creation  comprises listing of scientific and common names and pictures of tropical plants covering climbers, creepers, ground covers, ferns, shrubs, trees, turfs and water plants found in Malaysia and Singapore.

The creation of this Blog is one of the first few non-commercial green initiative project on the internet created by Markus J. M. Lazim and a team of garden experts from Technic Network Malaysia.  

Listings of scientific names of tropical garden plants and trees in this blog will be presented in six parts or classifications.  Part 1: Climbers and Creepers, Part 2: Ferns and Ground Covers, Part 3: Plants and Shrubs, Part 4: Bamboo and Palms, Part 5: Tropical Trees, and Part 6: Waterscape Plants. 
We sincerely hope this blog would be very useful in helping those of you who are in the gardening and landscaping activities particularly for those of you who are searching for the right scientific names of tropical garden plants, shrubs and trees for your gardening and landscaping activities or projects.

The listing of the scientific names will be published in alphabetical order and where possible we will try to insert the common name of the particular plants and trees as well.            

Since this is a Free Green Initiative Service Project and we are doing our very best to provide you with the scientific names of the tropical plants and trees, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of its contents and information in this blog. The use of all the names and information obtained from this blog shall be at your own risk. We shall not be held liable or responsible for it's inaccuracy or any error found in this blog. may not be perfect and represent work in progress. Our aims remain to produce the ‘best effort’ possible an effective listing of scientific names of tropical plants and trees, to demonstrate progress and to stimulate further work  related to plants, trees and greening the globe.

We welcome your valuable feedback,  if you have any good suggestion on how we can improve this particular blog, please do not hesitate to write or contact our editor at: feedback is very valuable to us.

If you managed to find the name of the particular climbers and creepers listed in this blog but without the image, you may login into Google Search and Click "Image" and type the technical name of the particular climbers or creepers that you are looking for, make sure the spelling of the name is correct. 
Within split seconds you will be able to view the image on your desktop.

 Climbers and Creepers

1. Adenia Macrophylla
Fanily name: Passifloraceae | Singapore Adenia
Common name: Singapore Adenia Macrophylla

1. Adenia Macrophylla
Family name Passifloraceae | Singapore Adenia

 2. Aeschynanthus Lobbianna
Family name: Gesneriaceae| Common name: Lipstick Plant

2. Aeschynanthus Lobianna
Common name: Lipstick plant

3. Aeschynanthus Speciosa
Family name: Gesneriaceae

4. Afgekia Sericea
Common Name: Silky Algekia

4. Afgekia Sericea
Common name: Silky Algekia
5. Allamanda Blanchetii
Common name: Purple Allamanda

6. Allamanda Cathartica
Common name: Golden Trumpet

6. Allamanda Cathartica Golden Trumpet
Family name: Appocynaceae |Common name Yellow Thrumpet

7. Allamanda Cathartica Alba
Common name: White Thrumpet

7. Allamanda Cathartica Alba White
Family name: Appocynaceae
8. Allamanda Cathartica Cherries Jubilee
Family name: Appocynaceae

8. Allamanda Cathartica Cherries Jubilee
Family name : Appocynaceae
9. Allamanda Cathartica Jamaican Sunset
Family name: Appocynaceae 

9. Allamanda Cathartica Rubra Red
Family name: Appocynaceae Red
10. Allamanda Oenotherae Silver 
Family name: Appocynaceae
11. Ampelocissus Species
Family name: Vitaceae

11. Ampelocissus Species
Family name Vitaceae

12. Anemopaegma Chamberlaynil
Family name: Bignoniaceae

12. Anemopaegma Chamberlaynil
Family name: Bignonniaceae
13. Antigonon Leptopus Pink
Family name: Polygonaceae | Common name: Chain of Love, Coral Vine

13. Antigonon Leptopus Pink
Family name : Polygonaceae | Common name: Chain of Coral Vine

14. Antigonon Leptopus "Alba" White
Family name: Polygonaceae | Common name: Chain of Love, Coral Vine
(due to some technical error, see below for its image)

15. Argereia Nervosa 
Family name: Convolvulaceae  |  Common name: Elephant Climber

15. Argereia Nervosa 
Family name: Convolvullaceae | Common name Elephan Climber

16. Aristolochia Gigantea
Family name: Aristolochiaceae

16. Aristolochia Gigantea
Family name Aritolochiaceae 

17. Aristolochia Labiata
Family name: Aritolochiaceae  |  Common name: Rooster Flower

17. Aristolochia Labiata 
Family name Aritolochiaceae | Common name Calico Flower

18. Aristolochia Littoralis
Family name: Aritolochiaceae | Common name: Calico Flower

18. Aristolochia Littoralis
Family name Aritolochiaceae | common name Calico flower

14. Angligonon Leptopus Alba White
Family name Polygonaceae | Common name Chain of Coral Vine

19. Aristolochia Ringens
Family name: Aristolochiaceae | Common name: Gaping Dutchman's Pipe

20. Artabotry's Hexapetalus
Family name Annonaceae | Common name Climbing Liang

20. Artabotrys Hexapetalus
Family name: Annonaceae | Common name: Climbing Liang

21.  Artobotrys Wrayi
Family name: Annonceae

22. Basella Alba Rubra 
Family name: Basellaceae

22.  Basella Alba Rubra
Family name: Basellaceae

23. Bauhinia Kockiana
Family name: Liguminosae | Common name: Kock's Bauhinia
23. Bauhinia Kockiana
Family name: Liguminnosae | Common name: Kock's Bauhinia

24. Bauhinia Semibifida
Family Name: Leguminosae

25. Bauhinia Species
Family name: Leguminosae

26. Beaumontia Jerdoniana
Family name: Apocynaceae | Common name White Trumpet

26.  Beaumontia Jerdoniana
Family name: Apocynaceae | Common name: Nepal Trumpet

27. Bougainvilla Apple Blossom
Family name Nyctaginaceae

27. Bougainvillea "Apple Blossom"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

28. Bougainvilla Aiskrim
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

28. Bougainvillea "Aiskrim"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

29. Bougainvillea "Chilli Red"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

29. Bougainvillea Chilli Red
Family name Nyctaginaceae | Common name Bunga Kertas Merah

30. Bougainvillea "Cultivar"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

30. Bougainvillea Cultivar White
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

31. Bougainvillea " Elizabeth Angus"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

31. Bougainvillea Elizabeth Angus
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

32. Bougainvillea " Glabra Formosa"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

32A. Bougainvilla Alba White
Family name: Nyctaginaceae

33. Bougainvillea " Glabra Magnifica"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

34. Bougainvillea Glabra Pink
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Bunga Kertas Merah GGlabra

34. Bougainvillea "Glabra Red"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

35. Bougainvillea " Glabra Singapore Purple"
Family name: Nyctasginaceae | Bunga Kertas

35. Bougainvillea Purple Flower
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common Name Bunga Kertas 

36. Bougainvillea "Harlequin"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas 

37. Bougainvillea "John Lattin"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name Bunga Kertas

38. Bougainvillea "Klong Fire"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas
39. Bougainvillea "Louis Wathen"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

39. Bougainvillea Louis Wathen
Family nmae: Nyctaginaceae | Common name :Bunga Kertas
40. Bougainvillea "Mrs. Eva"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas 

40. Bougainvillea Mrs. Eva
Family name: Ncytaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

41. Bougainvillea "Mrs Eva Mauve Variegata"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

42. Bougainvillea Mrs. McClean Variegated
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

43. Bougainvillea "Orange Stripe"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

43. Bougainvillea Orange Stripe
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common Name: Bunga Kertas

43A.Bougainvilla Multi Colors Flowers
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

44. Bougainvillea "Pagoda Pink"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

45.Bougainvillea Light Purple
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

45. Bougainvillea Light Purple
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

46. Bougainvillea "Rosenka"
 Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

46. Bougainvillea Rosenka
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

  47. Bougainvillea "Sakura" Variegata
 Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

48. Bougainvillea "Sanderiana"
Family name: Nyctaginaceae | Common name: Bunga Kertas

49. Camoensia Scandens
Family name: Leguminosae

49. Camoensia Scandens
Family name: Leguminosae 

50. Camsis Radicans
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common name:Trumpet Creeper

50. Campsis Radicans
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common name: Trumpet Creeper

51. Cansjera Rheedii
Family name:  Opiliaceae

51. Cansjera Rheedii
Family name: Opiliaceae

52. Cardiospermum Halicacabum
Family name: Sapindaceae | Common name: Balloon Vine

52. Cardiospermum Halicacabum
Family name: Sapindaceae Common name: Balloon Vine, Heart Pea

53. Cassytha Filiformis
Family name: Lauraceae | Common name: Chemar Hantu

54. Cayratia Mollissima
Family name: Vitaceae | Common name: Cissus Mollissima

54. Cayratia Mollissima
Family name: Vitaceae | Common name: also known as Cissus Mollissima

55. Cissus Hastata
Family name: Vitaceae | Common name: Vitis Hastata

55. Cissus Hastata
Family name: Vitaceae | Common name: also known as Vitis Hastata

56. Cissus Repens
Family name: Vitaceae | Common name:also known as Vitis Repens

57. Clematis Aristata
Family name: Ranunculaceae | Common name: Goatsbeard

57. Clematis Aristata
Family name: Ranunculaceae | Common name: Goatsbeard

58. Clerodandrum Thomsoniae
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Bleeding Heart Vine

58. Clerodendrum Thomsoniae
Family name: Lsbiatae | Common name: Bleeding Heart Vine White Red

58A. Clerodandrum Thomsoniae Purple leaf
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Bleeding Heart Vine Purple

58A. Clerodendrum Purple Flower
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Bleeding Heart Vine Purple Flower

59. Clerodendrum Thomsoniae Variegated Leaf
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Bleeding Heart Vine

59. Clerodendrum Thomsoniae Variegated Leaf
Fmily name Labiatae | Common name Bleeding Heart Variegated

61. Clitoria Tematea
Family name: Leguminoseae | Common name: Blue Pea Vine

60. Clytostoma Callisgtegioides
Family name Bignoniaceae | Common name Violet Trumpet Vine

60.Clytotoma Callisgtegioides
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common name: Violet Trumpet Vine

61.Clitotoria Tematea | Leguminoseae | Blue Pea Vine

62. Coccinia Grandis
Family name: Cucurbitaceae  Common name:Ivu Gourd

62. Coccinia Grandis
Family name: Cucurbitaceae | Common name: Ivy Gourd

63. Columnea Tulae Var. Flava
Family name: Gesneriaceae

63. Columnea Tulae Var. Flava
Family name:Gesneriaceae 

64. Combretum Comosum
Family name: Combretaceae

64. Combretum Comosum
Family name: Combretaceae

65.Congea Tomentosa
Family name: Verbenaceae | Common name:Woody Congea

65. Congea Tomentosa
Family name: Verbenaceae | Common name: Wooly Congea

66. Cryptostegia Grandiflora
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name:Indian Rubber Vine

66. Cryptostegia Grandiflora
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name Indian Rubber Vine

67. Cuscuta Australis
Family name: Convoculaceae | Common name: Southern Dodder

67. Cuscuta Australis
Family name: Convovulaceae | Common name: Southern Dodder

68. Dalbergia Pseudosissoo
Family name: Leguminoseae | Common name: Rostrata

68. Dalbergia Pseudosissoo
Family name: Leguminoseae | Common name: also known as Rostrata

69. Dioscprea Sansibarensis
Family name:| Dioscoreaceae | Common name: Zanzibar Yam

69. Dioscorea Sansibarensis
Family name: Dioscoreaceae | Common name:Zanzibar Yam

70. Dischidia Nummularia 
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name:Button Orchid

70. Dischidia Nummularia
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name: Button Orchid

70. Dischidia Pectenoides
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name: Ant Plant

71. Dischidia Pectenoides
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | common name: Ant Plant

72. Dissotis Rotundifolia
Family name: Melastomataceae | Common name: Sanish Shawl

72. Dissotis Rotundifolia
Family name:Melastomataceae | Common name: Spanish Shawl

73. Elastostema Repens |
Family name: Urticaceae | Common name: Wavy Watermelon Begonia

73. Elatostema Repens
Family name: Urticaceae | Common name: Wavy Watermelon Begonia

74. Entada Spiralis
Family name: Leguminosae

75. Epipremnum Aureum
Family name: Araceae | Common name: MoneyPlant

75. Epipremnum Aureum
Family name: Araceae | Common name: Money Plant

76. Epipremnum Aureum Variegated
Family name: Araceae | common name: Money Plant

76. Epipremnum Aureum Variegated
Family name: Araceae | Common name: Money Plant

77. Epipremnum Aureum Gold
Family name: Araceae | Money Plant Gold

78. Epipremnum Aureum Marble Queen
Family name: Araceae | Common name: Money Plant

78. Epipremnum Aureum Marble Queen
Family name: Areceae | Common name: Marble Money Plant

79. Epipremnum Pinnatum
Family name: Araceae | Common name: Money Plant

79. Epipremnum Pinnatum
Family name: Araceae | Common name: Dragon Tail Plant

80. Espiscia Cultivar
Family name: Gesneriaceae

80. Episcia Cultivar
Family name: Gesneriaceae

81. Episcia Cupreata Acajou
Family name: Gesneriaceae

81. Episcia Cupreata Acajou
Family name: Gesneriaceae

82. Episcia Cupreata Frosty
 Family name: Gesneriaceae

83. Episcia Cupreata
Family name: Gesneriaceae

83. Episcia Cupreata 
Family name: Gesneriaceae

84. Episcia Cupreata Pink Acajou
Family name: Gesneriaceae

84. Episcia Cupreata Pink Acajou
Family name: Gesneriaceae

85. Episcia Cupreata Tropical Topaz
Family name: Gesneriaceae

86. Espicia Cupreata Showtime
Family name: Gesneriaceae

87. Fibraurea Tinctoria
Family name: Menispermaceae | Common name: Chloroleuca

87. Fibraurea Tinctoria
Family name: Menispermaceae also known as Chloroleuca

88.Ficus Punctata
Family name: Moraceae | Common name: Aurantiacea

88. Ficus Punctata
Family name: Moraceae also known as Aurantiacea

89. Ficus Umbelatta
Family name: Moraceae | Common name: Aurantiacea Large Leaf

89. Ficus Umbelatta
Family name: Moraceae | Common name: Aurantacean Large Leaf

90. Ficus Pumila
Family name: Moraceae Common name Wall mounting creeper

90. Ficus Pumila
Family name: Moraceae | Common name: Wall Mounting Creeper

91. Flagellaria Indica
Family name: Flagekkariaceae | Common name: Falsed Rattan

92. Gloriosa Superba
Family name: Colchicaceae | Common name: Glory Lily

92. Gloriosa Superba
Family name: Colchicaceae Common name: Glory Lily

93. Grewia Laevigata
Family name: Tiliaceae | Common name: Acuminata

93. Grewia Laevigata
Family name: Tiliaceae also known as Acuminata

94. Hedera Helix
Family name: Araliaceae | Common name: English Ivy

94. Hedera Helix
Family name: Araliaceae |Common name: English Ivy

94A. Hedera Helix Variegated
Family name: Araliaceae | Common name: English Ivy 

95. Holmskioldia Sanguinea
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Cup and Saucer

95. Holmskioldia Sanguinea
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Cup and Saucer

96. Hosea Lobbiana
Family name: Labiatae | also known as Hoseanthus Lobbiana

96. Hoya Carnosa Mixed Colors
Family name : Asclepiadaceae | Common name: Wax Plant

97. Hoya Carnosa
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name: Wax Plant

98. Hoya Carmosa Cultivar
Family name Asclepiadaceae | Light Violet

98. Hoya Carnosa Cultivar
Family name: Asclepiadaceae (light violet)

99. Hoya Diversifolia
Family name: Asclepiadaceae (Pink)

100. Hoya Kerrii (Succulent Plant)
Family name: Asclepidaceae | Variegated Leaf

100. Hoya Kerrii
Family name: Asclepidaceae with variegated leaf

101. Hoya Scortechinii
Family name: Asclepiadaceae

102. Hoya Verticillata
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name: Ridley's Hoya

103. Hylocereus Undatus (Dragon Fruit Plant)
Family name Cactaceae | Night Blooming Cereus / Dragon Fruit

103. Hylocereus Undatus
Family name: Cactaceae | Common name: Night Blooming Cereus

104. Impatiens Repens
Family name: Balsaminaceae | Common name: Golden Dragon

104. Impatiens Repens
Family name: Balsaminaceae | Common name: Golden Dragon

105. Indorouchera Griffithiana
Family name: Linaceae | also known as Roucheria Griffithiana

106. Ipomoea Aquatic
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Kangkong

106. Ipomoea Aquatica
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Kangkong 

107. Ipomoea Batatas
Family name: Concolvulaceae | Common name Keledek Meah

107. Ipomoea Batatas
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Keledek

108. Ipomoea Batatas Black Heart
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Keledek Merah

109. Ipomoea Batatas Blackie
Family name: convolvulaceae | Common name Keledek Ungu

110. Ipomoea Batatas Tricolor
Family name: convolvulaceae 

111. Ipomoea Batatas Yellow
Family name: Convolvulaceae

112. Ipomoea Cairica
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Messina Creeper

113. Ipomoea Carnea ssp. Fistulosa
Family name: Convolvulaceae | common name: Morning Glory

114. Ipomoea Mauritiana
Family name: Convolvulaceae | common name: Digitata

115. Ipomoea Pes-Caprea
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name Beach Morning Glory

116. Ipomoea Quamoclit
Family name: Convolculaceae | Red Morning Glory

116. Ipomoea Quamoclit
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Cypress Vine Climber

117. Ipomoea Quamoclit Hybrid
Family name: Convolvulaceae | common name:Morning Glory Red

118. Ipomoea Tricolor
Family name: Convolvulaceae | Common name: Morning Glory

119.Jasminum Grandiflorum
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Sapnish Jasmine Melor

119. Jasminum Grandiflorum
Family name: Oleaceae Common name: Spanish Jasmine

120. Jasminum Laurifolium
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Melor Angel Wing

120. Jasminum Laurifolium
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Melor Angel Wing

121. Jasminum Multiflorum
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Star Jasmine Melor

122. Jasminum Rex
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Bunga Melor

122. Jasminum Rex
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Royal Jasmine Melor Rex

123. Jasminum Sambac Grand Duke of Tuscany
Family name: Oleaceae | Common name: Arabic Jasmine 

124. Lagernaria Siceraria
Family name: Cucurbitaceae | Common name Bottle Goud

124. Lagenaria Siceraria
Family name: Cucurbitaceae | Common name: Bottle Gourd

125. Lonicera Japonica
Family name: Caprifoliaceae | Common name: Japanese Suckle

125. Lonicera Japonica
Family name: Caprifoliaceae | Common name: Japanese Honeysuckle

125. Lonicera Japonica
Family name:Caprifoliaceae

126. Lonicera Species
Family name: Caprifoliaceae

127. Macfadyena Unguuiscati
Family name: Bignonniaceae | Common name: Cat Claw Ivy

127. Macfadyena Unguiscati
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common name; Cat Claw Ivy

128. MandeVilla  Sanderi My Fair Lady
Fsmily name: Apocynaceae 

128. Mandevilla Alice Du Pont
Family name: Apocynaceae

129. Mandevilla Sanderi My Fair Lady
Family name: Apocynaceae

130. Mandevilla Sanderi Red Riding Hood
Family name: Apocynaceae

131. Mandevilla Sanderi Rosea
Family name: Apocynaceae | common name Rose Dipladenia Sanderi

132. Manettia Luteorubra
Family name:  Rubiaceae | Common name: Twining Firecracker Creeper

132. Manettia Luteorubra
Family nmae: Rubiaceae | Common name: Twining firecracker creeper

133. Mansoa Hymenaea Pink
Family name: Bignonniaceae | Common name Bignia Alliaceae

133, Mansoa Hymenaea
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common name: Garlic Vine also known as Bigonia Alliaceae

134. Mikimia Micrantha
Family name: Compositae | Common name: American Rope

134. Mikania Micrantha
Family name: Compositae | Common name: American Rope

135. Momordica Charantia Bitter Gould
Family name: Cucurbitasae | Common name: Bitter Melor

135. Momordica Charantia 
Family name: Cucurbitasae | Common name Bitter Melon

136. Momordica Charantia
Family name: Cucurbitasae | Common name: Bitter Gourd

137. Monstera Deliciosa
Family name: Araceae | Common name: Window Plant / Ceriman also known as Pertusum

137. Monstera Deliciosa
Family name : Araceae

 138. Monstera Deliciosa Aldo Variegata
Family name: Araceae

139. Monstera Obliqua Var. Expilata
Family name: Araceae | Common name Window Leaf Monstera

140. Morinda Umbellata
Family name: Rubiaceae

141. Mucuna Bennettii
Family name: Leguminosae |  Common name: Rede Jade Vine

141. Mucuna Bennetti
Family name: Leguminosae | Common name: Red Jade Vine

142. Nepenthes Gracilis
Family name: Nepthentaceae | Common name: Pitcher Plant

143. Nepenthes Rafflesina 
Family name:Nepthentaceae | Common name: Pitcher Plant

143. Nepenthes Rafflesiana
Family name: Nepthentaceae | Common name: Raffles Pitchen Plant

144. Norantea Guianensis
Family name: Marcgraviaceae | Common name: Red Poker Vine

144. Norantea Guianensis
Family name: Marcgraviaceae | Common name: Red Poker Vine

145. Odontadenia Macrantha
Family name: Apocynaceae | Common name : SpeciosaEchites Macranthus

145. Odontadenia Macrantha
Family name: Apocynaceae also known as Speciosa Echites Macranthus

146. Paederia Foetida
Family name: Rubiceae | Common name: Tomentosa

146. Paederia Foetida
Family name: Rubiceae also known as Tomentosa

147. Pandorea Jasminoides
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common name: Bower Vine

148. Passiflora Biflora
Family name: Passifloraceae

148. Passiflora Biflora
Family name: Passifloraceae

149. Passiflora Coccinea Red
Family name: Passifloraceae | Common name: Red Passion Fruit/Flower

149.  Passiflora Coccinea Red 
Family name Passifloraceae Common name Red Passion Fruit\ Flower

150. Passiflora Foetida
Family name : Passifloraceae | Common name: Passion Fruit 

150. Passiflora Foetida
Family name: Passifloraceae | Common name: Stinking Passion Flower

151. Passiflora Laurifolia
Family name: Passifloraceae | Common name: Passion Fruit / Buah Susu

152. Passiflora Paimata
Family name: Passifloraceae | Common name: unknown

153. Passiflora Suberosa
Family name: Passifloraceae 

154. Petraeovitex Wolfei
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Wolfe's Vine

154. Petraeovitex Wolfei
Family name: Labiatae | Common name: Wolfe's Vine

155. Petrea Volubilis
Family name: Verbenaceae | Common name: Sandpaper Vine

155. Petrea Volubilis
Family name: Verbenaceae | Common name: Sandpaper Vine

156. Philodendron Anderson Red
Family name: Araceae

157. Philodendron Emerald
Family name: Araceae

157. Philodendron Emerald Red
Family name: Araceae

158 Philodendron Erubescens
Family name Araceae | Common name: Philodendron

158. Philodendron Erubescens
Family name: Areceae | Common name: Blushing Philodendron

159. Philodendron Erubescens Gold
Family name: Araceae

159. Philodendron Erubescens Gold
Family name: Araceae

 160. Philodendron Gold
Family name: Araceae

160. Philodendron Gold
Family name: Araceae

161. Philodendron Gold Fire
Family name: Araceae

162. Philodendron Magnificum
Family name: Araceae

163.Philodendron Obique
Family name: Araceae

163. Philodendron Oblique 
Family name" Araceae | Common name" Blotched philodendron

164. Philodendron Orange Fire
Family name: Araceae

164. Philodendron Orange Fire
Family name: Araceae

165. Philodendron Panduriforme
Family name: Araceae | common name: Fiddleleaf philodendron

165. Philodendron Pandriforme
Family name: Araceae

166. Philodendron Pink Sensation
Family name: Araceae

167. Philodendron Pluto
Family name: Araceae 

168. Philodendron Selloum
Family name; Araceae

169. Philodendron Tropical Sunrise
Family name: Araceae

170. Philodendron Xanadu
Family name: Araceae

170. Philodendron Xanadu
Familoy name: Areceae

171. Phryganocydia Corymbosa
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Trinidad Pink Trumpet Vine

171. Pilea Bummularifollia
Family name: Urticaceae | Common name:Gunpowder plant

171. Pilea Bummularifollia
Family name: Urticaceae | common name: Gunpowder Plant

172. Pilea Microphylla
Family name: Urticaceae | Common name: Creeping Charlie

173. Piper Betle Leaf
Family name: Piperraceae | common name: Betle leaf Sireh

173. Piper Betle
Family name: Piperaceae | Common name: Betle leaf / Sireh

174. Piper Caninum
Family name: Piperaceae Common name: Daun Kadut

175. Piper Nigrum
Family name: Pieraceae | Common name: Black Pepper / Lada Hitam

176. PodraneaRicasoliana
Family name: Bignoniaceae | Common name: Pink Trumpet Vine

177. Potentilla Indica 
Family name: Rosaceae |Common name Mock Strawberry aka Duchesnea Indica

177. Potentilla Indica
Family name:Rosaceae | Common name: Mock Strawberry also known as Duchesnea Indica

178. Pterisanthes Eriopoda
Family name: Vitaceae | Common name: also known as Vitis Eripoda

179. Quisqualis Indica
Family name: combretaceae | Common name: Rangoon Creeper / Akar Dani

179. Quisqualis Indica 
Common name:Akar Dani 

180. Ruellia Colorata  (Smilex)
Family name: Acanthaceae aka Aphelandra Colorata

!80. Ruellia Colorata 
Family name: Acanthaceae aka Aphelandra Colorata

181. Saritaea Magnifica
Family name: bignoniaceae | Common name: Purple glow Vine

182, Scindapsus Pictus 
Family name: AraceaeCommon name: Silk Pothos

182. Scindapsus Pictus
Family name: Araceae | common name: Silk Pothos

183. Smilax Species
Family nmae: Smilacaceae

184. Solandra Longiflora
Family name: Solonaceae | Common name: Trumpet Flower

184. Solandra Longiflora
Family name: Solanaceae | Common name: Trumpet Plant

185 Stephanotis Floribunda
Family name: Malpighiaceae

185. Stephanotis Floribunda
Family name: Malpighiaceae  

186. Stigmaphyllon Ciliatum
Family name: Malpighiaceae | Common name: Yellow Orchid Vine

186. Stigmaphyllon Ciliatum
Family name: Malpighiaceae | Common name: Yellow Orchid Vine

187. Strongylodon Macrobotrys
Family name:Leguminosae | Common name: Jade Vine Emeald Creeper

187. Strongylodon Macrobotrys
Family name: Leguminosae |Common name: Jade Vine / Ererald Creeper

188. Strophanthus Preussii
Family name: Apocynaceae | Common name: Corkscrew Flower / Poison Arrow Vine

188. Strophanthus Preussii
Family name: Apocynaceae | Common name: Corkscrew Flower  / Poison arrow Vine

189. Syngonium Cultivar

184. Syngonium Pink Leaves
Family name: Araceae

181. Syngonium Dark Red
Family name: Araceae

182. Syngonium Greenish Pink
Family name: Araceae

182. Syngonium Greenish Pink
Family name: Araceae

183. Syngonium Pink
Family name: Araceae

184A. Syngonium Pink and Green Leaves
Family name: Araceae

184A. Syngonium Podophyllum
Family name: Araceae

185. Syngonium Podophyllum Golden Green
Family name: Araceae

185. Syngonium Green and Red Leaves
Family name : Araceae

186. Syngonium Podophyllum 
Family name: Arareae

186A. Syngonium White Butterfly
Family name: Araceae

186A. Syngonium White Butterfly  
Family name: Araceae

187. Tolosma Cordata
Family name:Asclepiadaceae

188. Tetracera Loureiri
Family name: Asclepiadaceae | Common name: Chinese Violet / Tonkin Creeper

188. Tetracera Loureiri
Family name: Dilleniaceae | Common name: Assa Indica

189. Tetracera Indica
Family name: Dilleniaceae also known as Assa Indica

189. Tetracera Indica
Family name: Dilleniaceae | Common name: Assa Indica

189. Tetracera Loureiri
Family name: Dilleniaceae | aslo known as Sarmentosa Var. loureri

190. Thunberger Alata Orange
Family name: Acanthaceae | Common name BlackEye Susan Flora

190. Thunbergia Alata 
Family name: Acanthaceae | Common name" Black-eye Susan

191. Thunberger Fragrans
Family name: Acanthaceae | Common mae: Angel Wings

192. Thunberger Grandiflora
Family name: Acanthaceae | Skyflower Vine

193. Thunberger Grandiflora Alba
family name: Ascanthaceae | Common name: Thunberger White

194. Thunberger Laurifolia 
Family name: Ascanthaceae | Blue Trumpet Flower

194. Thunberger Laurifolia
Family name: Ascanthaceae | Common name: Blue Trumpet / Thunberger Light Blue

194. Thunberger Larifolia Light Blue Flower
Family name: Ascanthaceae | Common nmae Blue Trumpet Climber

195. Trachelospermum Asiaticum Tricolor
Family name: Apocynaceae | common name: Tricolor Asia Jasmine

196. Trichosanthes Wawraei
Family name: Cucurbitaceae

197. Tristellateia Australasiae
Family name: Malpighiaceae | Common name: Australian Gold Vine

197. Tristellateia Australasiae
Common name: Yellow Gold Vine Creeper

 198. Trophis Scandens
Family name: Moraceae |Common name: Burney Vine

199. Uvaria Grandiflora
Family name: Annonaceae also known as Purpurea

199. Uvaria Grandiflora
Family name: Annonaceae |Common name: also known as Purpurea

200. Uvaria Hirsuta
Family name: Annonaceae

201. Vallaris Glabra
Family name Apocynaceae | Common Name Bread Flower

201. Vallaris Glabra
Family name: Apocynaceae | Common name: Bread Flower

202. Vanila Graffithil
Family name: Orchidaceae

203. Vanilla Planifollia
Family name: Orchidaceae

203. Vanilla Planifolia
Family name: Orchidaceae

204. Vanilla Planifolia Variegated
Family name: Orchidaceae

205. Vernonia Elliptica
Family name: Compositae | Common name: Bridal Veil Creeper

205. Vernonia Elliptica
Family name: Compositae | Common name: Bridal Veil Creeper 

If you have found the technical name of the particular climbers or creepers that you are looking for in this blog but without the image, don't despair,  go to Google Search type "Image" and key in the spelling of the plant name correctly within seconds you will be able to see the image of the particular plant display on your monitor screen. 

This Blog was last updated on the 02nd. February 2021 


Use Google Search "Image" for searches on Climber and Creeper Plants in the internet for more vaireties of images.

by Markus J M Lazim


Technic Garden and Landscape
P. O. Box 13526, Kuala Lumpur, 50814, Malaysia


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Technic Garden and Landscape 

This Blog was last updated on 02.02.2021





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